Well, I have been saying I need to do an update for a month now! Balancing life has become interesting these days. I am grateful for the Lord’s presence and power in my life to sustain me, guide me and cover me as I seek to continue the work He has me doing for Him.

I am happy to report that May 1, 2011 marks seven years (that’s right seven years) since Healthcare Solutions – A Christian Ministry was born. Unbelievable – only in God’s economy is such a feat possible! I am happy to be writing this newsletter the day after Easter – the greatest celebration in all Christianity. How exciting for me to celebrate seven years so close to Easter.

In the last two months I have worked with many people in many different ways.

I have two on-going clients who require much from me on pretty much a daily basis. Both these ladies have emotional issues as their major disability. I am challenged to meet their needs while also allowing them (and sometimes pushing them) to be as independent as possible. The aging process takes away so much independence. When you compound that with mental illness, it is very hard to accept limitations. And yet, these two ladies are capable of so much. My role often means just pushing them to be as independent as they are capable of being while meeting their needs in the areas that they lack. One of these ladies found a lump in her breast that was cancerous. It was a great opportunity to witness to God’s favor in her life to her and her two children. The surgery went better than anyone could imagine. She had no drains. And no chemo or radiation! Praise God!

I have met with several people helping them to get plugged into services available in the Greater New Orleans area. I am still amazed at how many people do not know that the VA and Charity Hospital and clinics are operating. People sometimes look at me with this amazed, dumbfounded look on their face. But, YES, the VA does have clinics running and Charity has a temporary hospital open as well as many clinics throughout the Greater New Orleans area. Getting into Charity is not always easy – but, the Lord has blessed me with the ability to get people referred to any of their various clinics.

I have also worked with several families in walking through needs and deciding just what the next step is for their loved ones. Some require a little help with sitters, while others are facing the reality that nursing home placement may be in the near future. Others have to face the fact that their neglect or mismanagement of their healthcare and life in general has led to serious complications. I often face people that do not want to take responsibility for their current situation. I can only present the options and they have to come to terms with what they have to do.

After almost a year of encouraging my neighbor to apply for disability, we did so in March. He was approved in four weeks! I continue to witness to this man in hopes that he realizes how much he needs the presence and power of the Lord in his life. I pray that his quick approval will speak to him of God’s infinite grace and mercy in his life. I hope to get him to let me help him with his budget now.

I continue to be amazed that God has actually put me in a position to help people with budgeting issues. As I meet with people and work with helping meet their healthcare needs, finances always come up. More and more are willing to receive from me the wisdom from God to help them in basic budgetary needs.

I finally took a lady to get her resident card renewed. The obstacles with her birth certificate were finally overcome. From there, we had to go to Social Security to correct her birth date with them. Now, I face the battle of getting them to fix the error.

Another lady was also finally approved for disability recently. What a blessing!

I still have a couple of disability applications pending – including my own. I await an appeals date on my application as well as someone else. One application has not been denied yet. I pray the Lord is favorable in all situations.

My back issues have become cumbersome – more annoying than anything else. But, I trust the Lord to carry me through as He has for the many years I have had these problems. I see a neurologist on Friday to explore any possible options I may have. In the meantime, I balance as best I can to not do too much that I might hurt myself more. I am grateful to the Lord for allowing me to continue to be available for people to advise and consult despite the physical limitations.

I was blessed to receive an abundance of donations in February right after the last update. It was helpful in meeting some basic needs as well as some bigger financial expenses. Thank you to each of you who contributed. The needs continue and I ask that you seek the Lord as to how you might help financially with this ministry.

I leave you with the scripture passage that has been the foundation of all I do.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23, 24