My time continues to be consumed with Mental Health issues. Currently, I have four different clients who have major anxiety issues. One in particular has family that just does not get it – they keep telling her things that she really does not need to hear. Then she calls me and I have to undo the damage. Please be in prayer that I would respond to these people in a manner worthy of the Gospel. I want to respond as Jesus calls me to. It is so hard to not “go off” sometimes. I get very protective of my clients. When they are mistreated it is just like my own family member is the one being hurt.
I have another client who was on hospice and then decided to get off a few months ago. I continue to have to help her understand what was covered by Medicare on hospice is not necessarily covered now that she is off of hospice. And to add to that one of her family members decided that it would better to dis-enroll from a Medicare HMO. Now I will be faced with explaining to her all that she gave up when she dis-enrolled. While I would not have necessarily talked her out of it, I would have tried to make sure she was informed about the decision. This particular lady is the 80 something year old matriarch of her family. She is headstrong and does what she wants when she wants. I am concerned that I will be backed into a corner and forced to quit serving her if she keeps doing stuff like this. It is very difficult to manage someone’s care when they keep putting me on the periphery and then want me to be front and center to clean up the mess they have created.
There are also many out there who need my care and do not know how to ask. Many I have consulted with but have not gone further because of their hesitation. Many do not want to let me help them because they cannot afford to pay. No matter how much I tell them my services are free, they just can’t get past feeling like they are taking advantage of me. Others feel like they can do it themselves not realizing that they can use the experience and expertise I offer. Please pray for those families as well – whoever they might be. Pray that God will show me clearly who I am to serve and would also point people to me that need my care.
I am very blessed to be able to go to the beach this week. I am going to be able to have a mini retreat and fill up my spiritual gas tank. It will be nice to get away and relax for a few days alone. Although, my phone will come with me.
The financial need is ever before me. I need about $1,000 before August 1. Please consider a tax-deductible donation. The information is below.
Have a good week everyone!
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