Every time I sit to write a ministry update I struggle with what to say. What I do is something incredibly unique. It is a walk of faith and each and every day God reminds me of that in one way or another. In recent weeks, I have been challenged to walk out my faith in many ways. And today, I am even stepping back and taking a hard look at where this ministry is going and just exactly what God wants from me at this point.

The challenges with Mental Health issues has continued – but they are dwindling. I have, once again, had to back away from a situation. The family and I are very concerned, but the doctor insists this lady is capable of making her own decision. We fear it will come back to haunt us. But, our hands are tied. My goal is always what is in the best interest of the client. Yet, oftentimes, professionals seem to think I have an agenda. That is one of the biggest challenges of this ministry – expressing clearly that I have nothing to gain from trying to do the right thing for anyone.

I have helped a few people apply for Social Security in the last year and have had some success. I have worked with several people on VA benefits. I continue to field calls and have appointments to point people in the right direction for benefits. The level of care that I was giving with individuals has declined. I only have a few people that I am intimately involved with on a regular basis. That, in itself, has caused me to step back and question what is next.

One major obstacle that is constantly in the way is finances. I have never been more certain that God does not want me to charge for what I do. It takes about $2,500 a month to run this ministry. I really have a hard time asking for money. But, the reality is, it is needed. I ask that you each consider a donation at this time. I need $1,000 in the next 10 days and the full $2,500 by the first of September. The information is at the bottom of this page for sending donations.

Thank you for your consideration and your prayers.