As you read the accounts below, please consider a financial donation to this ministry. Almost six weeks ago, I began a quest to raise $10,000 by this Sunday. To date I have received $3,725. I will receive another $400 this Friday. That is a far cry from the goal I set. Please prayerfully consider how you might support the incredible work that God has me doing here.

More Divine Appointments

Last week I had another day that went nothing like I had intended – but every bit as God intended. I had plans to meet with an accountability partner – something we should all do on a regular basis. But, first thing in the morning, I had to go to the VA to take care of a couple of things for myself. As it turned out, I could not see the person at the VA that I wanted to see. So, I did one other thing and headed out – less time than I anticipated. In the meantime, my friend called to see if we could change our plans. At that point, we agreed to meet at my house. When I got home, I did a few things at my desk and then she called to let me know it just was not going to happen. So, I picked up on a few other things I needed to do. I decided to go visit a client in the hospital – something that was not on the calendar for that day. However, as God would ordain, that was exactly where I needed to be at exactly the time I showed up. Physical Therapy was there early and his daughter was not able to be there to help out. It was much needed for someone else to be there to assist in this task and I was there just when God wanted me to be there. If my day had gone as I had planned I would not have been where God needed me.

Yesterday I had another incredible day ordered by God. I have been helping this family. First, it was the daughter whose husband has dementia at the age of 29. It is really a sad case – something none of us should ever have to experience. Several months ago, I took her to apply for disability for him. While it is not much money, every little bit helps. The Social Security worker that day was so kind to us. At the end of the interview she even acknowledged that it was probably the hardest case she has ever taken. She admitted holding back tears. Yesterday, I took this young woman’s mother to apply for disability for the son. Another sad case. I went to her house before to make sure we had everything we needed and to pray with her. I prayed for God to ordain the visit with Social Security and to give this lady peace. I encouraged her to let me bear the burden of making sure all went well. When we got to Social Security, the first lady we saw was not encouraging. But, that always happens. So, our name was put up for someone to maybe help us. We were called back by a lady who looked familiar to me. However, as many times as I have been to that office they are all familiar to me. As we sat down I realized something. This was the same lady that helped her daughter and me several months ago. It was awesome to make that connection and tell the Social Security work who this lady with me was. She remembered and was very helpful. We needed to try to connect with her son on the phone for the worker to get permission to take the application from his mom. The very first try, he answered the phone and gave permission. The whole thing went so well. And my client clearly agreed that it was God’s hand in the process.

I lost a client today. He had been in the hospital for over a month. We were pushing to get him discharged home this weekend. He went home alright – just not the home we thought. But, God is so merciful. This man fought the Gospel for years. Yet, he accepted Christ in the ER when he first came to the hospital. And we had several opportunities to confirm the sincerity of his profession. It is never too late for someone to be saved. The thief who hung on the cross next to Jesus was saved only hours before he died. This is a perfect example of the same thing. God’s timing is not our timing. Please pray for the Levy family as they lay him to rest.

Again – these are only two of many examples of the Lord using me in people’s lives. There is such a great need. Your support is greatly appreciated.

God Bless you all.

Andre’ Waguespack
Healthcare Solutions – A Christian Ministry
521 Lake Avenue #18
Metairie, LA 70005